Model your fields at extreme resolution incorporating a large number of faults and fractures at seismic scale (...) and gain valuable insights to reduce or avoid seismicity and well failures and to maintain reservoir seal integrity. – N. Koutsabeloulis, Technical Director, Geomex Software Solutions
High resolution (100+Million cells) solutions in minutes for complex scenarios. Operates in both 1D and 3D using parallel computational technologies on simple laptops to multi-socket multi-core/thread servers.
Drilling computations, Trajectory optimization, Reservoir engineering modelling preconditioning (PP), Seismic interpretations for Vs and Density cubes, Geomechanics present-day stress state (magnitudes), Pore pressure computation and more!
Apollo is a numerical solver using Finite Element Method (FEM) to compute effective stress state and stress orientations over the geoscience stress model in high resolution.
Combine 4D coupled flow/stress one-way reservoir modeling with Apollo to compute the effects of pressure and temperature changes on the reservoir integrity